
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Chevron Dresser

Here's the big reveal:  My chevron dresser!  I used a tutorial found here.  This was not an easy project but the end result was so worth it.  Taping took the longest.  I did run into random little problems, like cutting through the tape without leaving cut lines on the dresser, deciding whether or not to paint just the drawers or the edges too, should I pull the tape tight or mold it along the edges?  I did get a bit frustrated in the middle of it all, but next time would be much smoother sailing.  I did have nice before pictures and during pictures, but Cullen bathed my laptop in milk and completely fried it.  Suffice to say the dresser was Periwinkle and quite beaten up.

In other news, I will not be at Garage of Good this month, as they have cancelled it.  I am scrambling for a venue this summer.  Has anyone been to Fredericksburg Trade Days?  What did you think of it?

This is for sale!  $250.  Message me if you are interested.  The drawers are painted grey inside.

Love these knobs!  I wanted something clear and fairly simple.  These are a little fussier than I had pictured, but I fell in love with them at World Market and when I put them on they were perfect.


  1. adorable! i love the colors, knobs- just love it!!!

  2. Wow, you did a fabulous job on this dresser, now following :) Would love it if you visited and followed back!

    Tanya @
